Bob was referred to us by a good friend of mine, and came to Nashville planning
                                                                                            to cut one song. Things worked out so well that he wound up staying in town for
                                                                                            an extra week,  and we recorded a couple more songs. Bob is a real talent; a fine
                                                                                            singer/songwriter,  and a first-rate musician.  (And a big Waffle House fan.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              - Steve Haggard

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Sneak Up On You Take My Advice
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                     Bob writes:

                             The staff at Wild Oats are real musicians who like to make real music.

                  They got great players to record my demos, and producer Steve Haggard  knew how
                   to get the best out of them.

                   The result is that the tracks sound warm, acoustic and human...and how often do you
                   find that at a price you can afford ?

                    I recommend them to anyone who wants to "keep it real."

                    - Bob Tyler

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